Training and Programs-1

Training and Programs

Providing tailored, evidence-based training solutions and health and wellbeing programs

Building healthy cultures in remote workplaces requires the support of everyone on site. At Citadel Medical, we work closely with our specialist partners to offer a range of education and training programs tailored to your needs. Our hands-on experience in these communities places us in a unique position to understand the challenges being faced. This expertise allows us to provide a high standard of training to increase medical competency in the resources industry.

Partner with us today for cost-effective training programs suited to your needs.

Our programs

Mental Health

Mental Health

Equip your team with the skills to look after each other and respond to a crisis.

First Aid

General First Aid

Gain the practical knowledge to overcome a health threat and keep your teammates safe.

Drug Alcohol test

Drug and Alcohol

Understand how to correctly identify and manage people under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Heat Hydration

Hydration and Heat Management

Ensure that your team recognises the impacts of working in the Australian heat.


Our trainers

The educational professionals at Citadel Medical are armed with a wealth of experience in the healthcare and resources industry. This understanding enables them to create rapport and build trust with on-site teams, giving them the confidence to increase their knowledge. Our team are trained to coach in a way that ensures you’re ready to respond and apply new skills if a situation occurs.

Who we work with

Need upskilling in a specific area?

Let us know your needs, and we’ll create a training program just for you.

Partner with us to build a healthier, happier and safer workplace

Get in touch to find out more about our services. We’ll get to know your organisational needs and help to provide a tailored solution.